I'd RATHER go drink a KILLIAN's than listen to this crap
CBS should stop it's pussyfooting and state what the entire world knows/accepts/tends to believe: the Bush Guard documenst are forgeries. The secretary didn't type them, the LTC didn't type them, no other officer typed them. CBS needs to state it, get the speculation over who gave the document done with, fire Dan Rather (who staked his life on the documentation), and get back to reality.
Some liberals (including Rather) have bemoaned the fact that the White House hasn't answered the accusations in the documents. Let's look at this logically--they want the President to answer and give the truth to something that was made up? My head hurts from just typing that.
Even assuming that the information in the documents accurately reflects the thoughts/beliefs of the late LTC Killian, so what? Nothing in the text reflects anything new. Bush was in Alabama, his commander said he didn't take the physical, Bush acknowledges he didn't take the physical, because he wasn't going to be flying. This is nothing new.
The only person being hurt by this extended "evaluation" process by CBS is John Kerry. Unless CBS thinks it helps him by keeping his dumbass comments off the evening news, major newspapers, and blogosphere, Kerry is hurt more (is it possible for Kerry to be hurt more?) by the time donated to this. Every second the major networks and papers carry news of this, is one more second Kerry cannot get out his message (does he have one anymore?)
Look, we know Bush enlisted in the National Guard to avoid the draft and, possibly, Vietnam. Lots of guys did it, lots didn't. Chances are, Bush had a connection. It wasn't necessary, but could help. (My dad enlisted in the ANG in 1972, and he's not the son of a congressman.) Kerry, likewise, enlisted in the Naval Reserve, hoping to avoid Vietnam service. He wasn't so lucky--his unit was called up, and he began patrols in the Pacific. Bush's unit could have been called up--F-102As had provided air cover around Tan Son Nhut Air Base in Saigon since the early days of 1962. There was no guarantee they wouldn't be needed again. Also, the ANG was providing air defense of CONUS (Continental United States) as a component of Air Defense Command (ADC). Bush's unit very well could have been called to active duty and transferred north to the early warning line should the need arise.
What I'm saying is that Guard vs. Vietnam service is a non-issue. Talk about now, today, tomorrow. Bush can defend his actions in the last four years and for the future; let's see if Kerry can do the same. My guess is he can't, and Rather thinks he's helping out by "uncovering the mysteries". Instead, it just seems to be a RATHER big waste of time, as well as offensive to my intelligence.